Master Planning for Museums
What We Do
Our museum master plans help new and growing museums to develop a clear vision and direction before beginning architectural and exhibit design.
Organizational and facility needs assessments, institutional planning, and museum visioning.
Visitor experience, interpretive, exhibit, public program, and collections planning.
Feasibility studies with operational scenarios that help to find a sustainable business model.
Pre-design architectural planning including site analysis, and capital cost estimating.
Coordination of the work of specialist planning consultants including interpretive planners, visitor studies professionals, architects, exhibit designers, economists, and retail, branding, and marketing consultants.
Project management assistance including selection of architects and exhibit designers, architectural plan review, budgeting and expense control, and fundraising coordination.
Depending on the project, our work can include:
Our most valuable skill is our ability to develop broad community support for a project through our inclusive planning process.